SEO Copywriting: Optimized content for your projects

SEO Copywriting: Optimized content for your projects

Writing can be challenging sometimes, especially if what you aim for is having relevant, yet optimized content. An experienced copywriter might say that the writing part is the easiest thing of the process, but the research is the hardest. What is the best way to write a copy that can have the power to persuade people, but that ranks well with Google, as well?

When you talk about SEO copywriting, research is a key factor in order to create valuable content that also contains just the right keywords. If your article is relevant to the target- audience, then the likelihood of it being shared will increase and with that, the authority of the article will increase. This will eventually lead to a better Google ranking for your selected keywords.

Today we will share with you some important milestones to go through if you want to make sure that your website or blog has optimized content:

1. Research

While researching may seem like getting a lot of things done at a time, if your break it down into a few activities, things will get as easy as ABC. So our advice for you is to perform:

  • Audience research - here you will identify the type of audience that wants/needs to get the information from you. Then, you can go and look up what their interests and demographics are.
  • Keyword research - Try to find the main keywords, by using various tools such as Google Trends, Google Search Console, Answer the public and many other sites and write them down. Then, with the help of the extracted keywords, you can start building a structure.
  • Topic research - Come up with subjects based on the keywords that you selected and think of what your audience might be able to learn from you.

2. It’s all about the Headline

Next, it all comes down to the Headline. David Ogilvy once said that “On the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar.” Therefore, if your content is relevant, but the headline is not catchy, your copy might just be a waste of energy and we all know that you don’t want that.

3. Make it easy to read

Another key element is to focus on Readability. A good article that will make people read it and interact with the links that you added should be organized, easy to read, logic and ... simple! The more understandable the content is to your readers, the more time they will stay on your page and this will improve your Google rankings, as well!

4. Start writing opti-wised

Once you have a clear idea of what your website’s content should be about, you can start making sure that the content in written in an optimized way. How can you do it? We always try to visualize the article from the top page until down, while having in mind:

  • - the URL structure
  • - the headline
  • - the sub-heading
  • - the tags
  • - the Image alt text/captions/titles

Here there should be inserted as many relevant keywords as possible, which will ease the overall SEO process.

5. Internal & External linking

Many people seem to forget about the importance of inserting links in the content as well, not just in the sub-headings, side bars and menus. Our advice is to find the most optimal keyword or keywords phrase and hyperlink them to an internal page of significance to your project. This way your article will be internally optimized. In case if you want to build a relationship with prospective advertisers, adding external links to your text might be an effective way to create valuable relationships and you get some exposure.

6. Go Social

Before publishing, revise the entire text again and check the header tags as well as all the internal and external links for accuracy. Once everything is good to go live, you should remember the power of your copywriting, but also the power of Social Media. So get out there on the social networks and socialize you SEO optimized article!

We hope that you will take into account our steps for ensuring a better SEO content for your projects. Remember to stay organized, especially until you start developing a habit. A more structured approach can transform even the copywriter’s block into a pleasant, time-saving experience.

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